Complete 5R110W Pressure Enhance Kit with all parts needed to install in your 5R110 MTS designed and builds these solenoids…
Increased Clutch apply Pressure Firm Crisp Shifts The EPC Solenoid {Electronic Pressure Control} part# 136431A-S2 controls Mainline Pressure for all Clutches in…
MTS designed and builds these solenoids in house Increased Main Line Pressure Max 375 Stock main line pressure Max 320 Increased Clutch Holding…
Each Transmission uses 4 of thi solenoid This soleoind is used for TCC, Intermediate, Overdrive, and Low-Reverse MTS Sells only high quality…
Output Shaft Speed Sensor 03-up MTS Sells on high quality OEM Electronics …
5R110 Oil Temp Sensor 03-up MTS Sells only High Quality OEM Electronics …
Upper valve body gasket 2003-up MTS recommends buying this gasket when replacing the EPC solenoid. Valve body must be removed from the…
5R110 Internal Wiring Harness with Case Connector Updated harnees has 9 Connectors Replaces 13 connector harness MTS Sells only High Quality OEM Electronics Price…