68RFE Cooler-Bypass Elimination Block

Condition: New
Model: 72996-CB


  • MTS Diesel 68RFE Cooler Bypass Elimination Block
  • Cooler Transmission Temperatures 20-30 degrees
  • Better Cooler Flow
  • Better Torque Converter Operation
  • Longer Transmission Life

The OEM Cooler bypass block was designed to heat transmission fluid up to 130 degrees before opening. This means the fluid does not make it to the cooler on the front of the truck until the temp of fluid reaches a certain temp. So this builds heat that has to be removed by the cooler. If/when valve fails transmission fails because of High Heat. We eliminate all these issues with our custom Block!!!!

This Part Fits

If you have any concern whether this part fits your vehicle, please contact us.
2007DODGERam & Van 1500-3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2008DODGERam & Van 1500-3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2009DODGERam & Van 1500-3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2010DODGERam & Van 1500-3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2011DODGERam & Van 1500-3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2007DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2008DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2009DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2010DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2011DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2012DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2013DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2014DODGERam 2500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2007DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2008DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2009DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2010DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2011DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2012DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2013DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4
2014DODGERam 3500L6 6.7L (Diesel)68RFE6 Spd RWD/4x4

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